Five things to do in D.C.

First off, you could live there forever and never see everything in D.C. I lived there for three months during the summer of 2015 and didn’t see everything. But there are several things to do while you’re there.

  1. See the White House– It is one of the most popular spots in DC. Go stand outside the gate among the crowds of people and try to get a picture without anyone else in the photo.


    My mom and I in front of the White House. A kind tourist took this for us.

  2. Go up the Washington Monument– To do this, you’ll have to get there really early to get a free ticket, or you can purchase them online for $1.50 per ticket. If you choose to go the free route try to get there before they open, your tour time might not be until 2 p.m that day but you can go sightseeing until the then.


    My mom took a picture of me in front of the Washington Monument.

  3. See the Lincoln Memorial– You will not be able to get a picture of just you and Lincoln unless you’re incredibly lucky. But you never really realize just how big the statue is until you see it for yourself.


    The Lincoln Memorial from the Washington Monument

  4. Go through all of the Smithsonian Museums– There is a lot of cool things in the museums, and there are so many you might not see all of them. As said before, I was there for three months and I didn’t get to go into all of them.


    Me and my mom in front of one of the Smithsonian Museums.

  5. Go see the Vietnam Memorial– This is a place to go. As you walk down the wall and you see people looking at names, or asking about where they would find a name, you can get kind of emotional depending on your personality.

My mom took this picture of someone etching from the wall.

These are just a few of the places to visit in DC, but this can give you an idea on places to see while you’re there. Visit their tourism website for more information.